Sunday, February 21, 2010

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a cheaper version of having a full dedicated server. With a VPS you have complete control over all aspects of your portion of the server. Usually a web host will guarantee a certain amount of disk space, bandwidth, etc. for the user to use. If your web site has a lot of traffic(over 50,000-100,000 per month) it is wise to get VPS hosting instead of a dedicated server. VPS also gives the users full administrative access, privacy from the other VPS sections on a server which means that the other users will have no affect on your part of the dedicated server. The hardware and network infrastructure are maintained completely by the hosting provider also. One of the top VPS hosting providers is at LunarPages.


  1. Anyone has to agree that VPS Hosting is way more affordable than going for a dedicated server. Plus most of the time a VPS is more than enough!!

  2. Hosting plays an important role in business online success and hosting is important for every large and small business hosting services
