Sunday, February 21, 2010

Unmanaged and Managed VPS

The main difference between an unmanaged and managed VPS is that with you have control over the server in an unmanaged VPS service. This requires a lot of technical knowledge and if you do not know what you are doing or do not have the time then you can hire the services of someone that does. You will need to install and manage the software necessary for your website or programming to run as the owner of the server may only deal with hardware issues.

The cost of using an unmanaged VPS is very affordable when compared to a managed VPS though large companies may actually find it more economically to use a managed VPS. However this only applies to companies that can turn over a large profit. If you are a small company that has in house capabilities or need things to run in real time than an unmanaged VPS will probably offer you the best options.

There are three main factors that will guide your decision when choosing a VPS; the amount of time it takes to deal with problems and complications, your profits and your technical knowhow. If you have any questions then you should address them to VPS companies or others that use VPS hosting. Read reviews written about the other companies as well to see how satisfied users are.

Basically the only thing that the server provider will do on unmanaged VPS is any required reboots, maintenance of hardware and network. Many times there are reboot caps and you will be responsible for all of the software even if the server should become compromised. Many times the owners will help but you may be charged administration fees. One good company that provides VPS hosting is Hostgator. There VPS service is actually cheaper than their reseller hosting.

Unmanaged hosting tends to much less expensive than managed hosting and is more comparable to unmetered costing. If you are going to use unmanaged hosting then see what type of control you have when dealing with the server hardware. You want to be able to perform a reboot when you need it and not when the owner can get around to it.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

Be sure to consider some of the following before buy VPS hosting:

But the advantages of the virtual servers are often over shadowed by many disadvantages faced by the system. One of the many drawbacks of virtual servers is the problems related to maintenance. The virtual servers have their own OS and software. The physical server will have to look after all these operating systems without any fail. The control panel will have to make sure that the servers are delivering high performance with a superior up time. And the host needs to make sure that security and updates are offered without any issues.

The virtual servers can be sitting idle for a long time. Their resources will be unused at such times. This leads to failure of making the proper use of the available resources. To avoid this, the physical servers may not provide the real resources to the virtual servers. All this requires proper handling of the working of the virtual environment which demands effort from the part of the host.

The virtual servers work with the help of the resources allocated to them by the physical server. A minimum number of resources will be allocated as there are instances of wastage of the resources by the virtual servers. So when the virtual server has to face a high rise in the traffic, it may not be able to meet the challenges for resources. This slows down the performance of that server and can even put it in a halt state by want of resource.

There can be too many virtual servers connected to a single physical server. The same computer will have to handle their requests and integrate them properly which might fail at times. If any server happens to use other resources, rendering the services in time will be blocked. Speed and performance will have to be compromised. Mismanagement can lead to degrading the virtual server as a whole. This will violate the security and isolation policies of virtual private servers.

These disadvantages can hinder the users from enjoying the benefits of virtual private servers properly. But the advantages are so great and brilliant that, end user often forgets the negatives and prefer to go for VPS in their business. The ultimate aim is making profit from little investment which is highly possible through VPS. The benefits supplemented with the profit have always been the reason for the success of VPS.

Advantages of VPS Hosting

Well If your looking into VPS hosting their are some things to consider. The benefits of have a VPS hosting service include the following:

VPS offers a lot of benefits to the small and medium businesses. The main advantage of VPS is the ability of each server to execute independently. The servers run on their own OS and resources. Each server has no access to the resources or software running on any other server connected to the same physical server. So when there is any problem in the working of one of the servers, the total performance is never affected. Only the affected server needs to be halted and all others continue delivering their service.

One of the main advantages of using VPS is the reduced cost in obtaining multiple physical servers. The expense required to get multiple resources and network can be lessened as the physical server is virtually partitioned. Each server has all the functionalities of a real server but at the same time there is no need of getting the real server for use. This is mainly beneficial when the servers of architecture like mainframe are too costly to buy. There you can emulate the servers and reduce the over all expense.

Each server has its own share of CPU, memory and bandwidth. They need not compete for these resources. The end result is a high performance system capable of doing multiple tasks for any number of users. The virtual servers never get access to the resources of other virtual servers in the system, though they can access the physical server through proper access requests.

The users can install their own software in their virtual server. The update or integration of this software in no way will affect other servers in the system. Users can never look into the data existing in other servers of the system. No transparency is available to the data or resources of the servers from another server of the system. Thus privacy and security is ensured in the system.

The servers have their own operating system. This allows for their rebooting without affecting the physical or virtual servers in the system. The highly efficient control panel helps in the up gradation of software in the virtual servers.

The traffic at the physical server can be divided into the virtual servers. This helps to get rid of the issues related to the demand for resources and servers in the system. The traffic at one of the servers will never slow down the performance or execution time of another server as complete isolation is provided in the virtualized environment.

Because of these advantages of virtual private servers, they are in great demand in the business sectors. Those who are web hosting resellers use this technology to help their clients to get a server that has all the functions of the root server. This will help them to get more money at the expense of little cost from their pocket.

A great site to find all kinds of hosting including vps hosting is at

Source: VPS advantages...

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a cheaper version of having a full dedicated server. With a VPS you have complete control over all aspects of your portion of the server. Usually a web host will guarantee a certain amount of disk space, bandwidth, etc. for the user to use. If your web site has a lot of traffic(over 50,000-100,000 per month) it is wise to get VPS hosting instead of a dedicated server. VPS also gives the users full administrative access, privacy from the other VPS sections on a server which means that the other users will have no affect on your part of the dedicated server. The hardware and network infrastructure are maintained completely by the hosting provider also. One of the top VPS hosting providers is at LunarPages.